people worldwide do not have enough food to eat
of the world’s population lives on the equivalent of less than $10 a day
children die each day due to poverty
children around the world are out of school and the majority are girls
How Can I Help Protect Child Rights In My Area?
Even if you live in a great neighborhood or city, there are still vulnerable children experiencing homelessness, mental health issues, disabilities, immigrants in detention and Indigenous children who need your support. Here are some actions you can take to make a difference:
Teach children around you about their rights
Vote for governance that is child-sensitive
Ask your local government to make children a priority
Volunteer or donate to organizations that focus on children
Spread awareness and education through your social media
For more information, please contact us at takeaction@equalopp.org.
For more information, please contact us at takeaction@equalopp.org.
Mickey’s Story
At first glance, Mickey may seem like any other 5-year-old boy, happy and healthy with the whole world before him. However, Mickey is not like every other child.
When we first met Mickey he was sick and malnourished, living in extreme poverty. His family struggled to make ends meet and provide for their child. They were constantly worried about their ailing son as their meager earnings were barely sufficient to keep Mickey alive. Despite their hardest efforts, they were unable to give their son the basic foods he so desperately needed.
With the help of the Aid Program offered by the Equal
Opportunity Community Initiative, his parents no longer need to worry for their child’s food and basic needs each day. Thanks to this program Mickey is now a healthy boy, ready to attend school like all his peers and his parents can now dream of the bright future he holds before him.
At first glance, Mickey may seem like any other 5-year-old boy, happy and healthy with the whole world before him. However, Mickey is not like every other child.
When we first met Mickey he was sick and malnourished, living in extreme poverty. His family struggled to make ends meet and provide for their child. They were constantly worried about their ailing son as their meager earnings were barely sufficient to keep Mickey alive. Despite their hardest efforts, they were unable to give their son the basic foods he so desperately needed.
With the help of the Aid Program offered by the Equal Opportunity Community Initiative, his parents no longer need to worry for their child’s food and basic needs each day. Thanks to this program Mickey is now a healthy boy, ready to attend school like all his peers and his parents can now dream of the bright future he holds before him.
A better life for Francis through educational opportunity
Growing up in a refugee camp and living within extreme poverty Francis dreamed of gaining an education to alleviate his economic status and one day, provide for his family. He lacked access to educational resources but wanted so hard to change their daily focus from what they could eat for tomorrow to instead, building a better future, somehow.
Francis is one amongst many children in this camp for refugee children who enrolled in both our free English language course and technical lessons in our computer lab. Thanks to the diverse programs he benefited from and his hard work, he surpassed all expectations and has now been given the opportunity to work at one of the largest technology firms in the world.
Given the right opportunities, children have the potential to overcome obstacles and build a brighter future.
Understanding Child Poverty and the Rights of Children
The world’s children deserve better.
Ending the cycle of poverty begins with investing in children, beginning with maternal health and continuing into early childhood and beyond.
What are children’s rights?
In 1989, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most widely-ratified international human rights treaty in history. The vision of the Convention is to offer the rights and responsibilities to each child appropriate to his or her age to enable them to reach their full potential. Each child is viewed as an individual, a member of a family and the community.
The four Guiding Principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child are:
Respect for the best interests of the child as a primary consideration
The right to survival and development
The right of all children to express their views freely on all matters affecting them
The right of all children to enjoy all the rights of the CRC without discrimination of any kind.
In almost all developing countries, children and young people make up the majority of the population -- up to 70 per cent in some cases. If children are to shape their future, we must all strive to ensure that they are aware of their rights and that these rights are observed, protected and safeguarded.
Children are the basis for all dimensions of sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiated by the United Nations Development Program in January 2016 is a universal call to action to ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The 17 SGDs are interconnected, however, the first four – No poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being and quality education relate directly to the rights of the child.
The ability of a nation to innovate and grow is directly related to the
health, education and productivity of their population. With so many children and youth at risk, progress with the Sustainable Development Goals is threatened unless action is taken to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social exclusion that is the reality for so many. With the support of people like you, over the past 20 years, global poverty has been cut in half with extreme poverty declining in every region of the developing world.
How the Sustainable Development Goals benefit children?
This child-friendly infographic
outlines what are the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Partner with the Equal Opportunity Initiative for children's rights
We envision a world where all children have the opportunities, resources and tools to create a better future, but for many children across the globe this vision is nothing more than a distant dream. Opportunities are sparse for youth living within rural communities, with little access to education and the other tools necessary to break the ongoing cycle of poverty.
Two rights that form a primary focus for the Equal Opportunity Community Initiative (EOCI) programs are reducing poverty & hunger and providing sustainable education. Only when children have access to both are they able to flourish and realise their full potential.
The right to food, good health and well-being:
Hunger is the number one cause of death in the world. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty - on less than $1.25 a day while half of the world’s population live on less than $2.50 a day. One billion children worldwide are living in poverty and according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day
due to poverty and extreme hunger. Child poverty has a negative and long-lasting impact on a child's ability to learn, build skills, find employment and avoid poverty. Mickey’s story below is one of the many examples of lives that have been changed through EOCI’s Aid Programme.
The right to education:
Education is a fundamental right for each child and yet, 264 million school-age children don’t go to school. Education enlightens the mind unleashing the abilities of an individual, leading to sustainable economic and social development. Educating a child can therefore translate to eliminating poverty, hunger, sickness and pain with the rippling effect of well-being for his family, the community and the nation. Blending school with structured informal education using a diversity of methods and activities based on student centered participatory learning can maximise a child’s learning and capabilities. The story of Francis below is a small illustration of breaking the poverty cycle through educating the child.
With your support, we can help nurture, protect, inspire and teach children around the world how to reach their full potential.
100% of the donations we receive go directly to helping at-risk children and youth.
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© Copyright 2019 Equal Opportunity Community Initiative.
All Rights Reserved.
Hunger is the number one cause of death in the world. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty - on less than $1.25 a day while half of the world’s population live on less than $2.50 a day. One billion children worldwide are living in poverty and according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and extreme hunger. Child poverty has a negative and long-lasting impact on a child's ability to learn, build skills, find employment and avoid poverty. Mickey’s story below is one of the many examples of lives that have been changed through EOCI’s Aid Programme.